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[공지] 필리핀입국시 PCR 폐지 (백신접종증명서만 지참)
작성자 : 투어카페 등록일 : 2022-06-02 오후 3:01:00 조회수 : 5073

간단히 요약하자면 ;

IATF-EID 결의안 168에 따라 18세 이상 필리핀 입국 여행객 중 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증(코로나19) 추가 예방접종을 한 번 이상 받은 경우 RT-PCR 테스트를 제출할 필요가 없습니다.또한 출발 전 RT-PCR 요구 사항에서 면제되는 사람은 코로나19 백신 접종 2회를 받은 12세에서 17세 사이의 사람과 백신을 완전히 접종했거나 추가접종을 받은 부모 또는 보호자를 동반한 12세 미만인 사람이며,입국하는 승객은 여행자 보험도 가입할 필요 없이 필리핀 입국이 가능하게 되었습니다. 기존에는 필리핀에 여행할 경우 최소 보장금액 3만5000달러 이상의 보험에 가입해야 입국이 가능했지만 지금은 의무사항이 아닙니다. 이제 필리핀에 입국하려는 여행객은 코로나19 접종 증명서와 최소 6개월 이상 기간이 남아있는 여권, 그리고 도착일로부터 30일 이내 출발지 또는 다음 목적지로 떠나는 티켓만 소지하면 됩니다.

필리핀 정부가 허용하는 코로나19 예방 접종 증명서는 세계보건기구 국제 예방 접종 및 예방 증명서, VaxCertPH, VaxCertPH를 승인하는 외국의 국가의 디지털 증명서, IATF-EID에서 허용하는 기타 예방 접종 증명서이다.

예방접종을 받지 않았거나 부분적으로 예방접종을 하지 않았거나 예방접종이 확인되지 않은 여행자는 48시간 이내에 실시한 음성 RT-PCR 검사 또는 24시간 이내에 실시한 신속 항원 음성 검사 결과서를 제시해야 하며, 필리핀 입국일로부터 5일째 되는 RT-PCR 음성 판정이 나올 때까지 시설 격리 조치를 받아야 한다. 이들은 또한 도착지에서 14일까지 자가격리를 받아야 한다.

 ※ 현재 필리핀에 운항중인 항공사에 확인한결과 백신3차이사 접종증명서만 있으면 인천공항에서 출국하는데

    문제없다고 합니다
 ※ 백신접종완료증명서발급사이트(반드시영문으로) 
   : 질병관리청 예방접종도우미 https://nip.kdca.go.kr/irgd/index.html
 ※ 주한필리핀대사관 ; TEL 02-796-7387  

The Philippine Embassy in Seoul wishes to inform the public that the Philippines' Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) for Emerging Infectious Diseases issued IATF Resolution No. 168 series of 2022 amending the current protocols on the entry of Filipino and foreign travelers into the country. The new guidelines, as highlighted in this advisory, will take effect on 30 May 2022:

A. Foreign Nationals Entering the Philippines

1. Foreign nationals may enter the Philippines, provided they comply with applicable visa requirements and immigration entry and departure formalities; and provided further that they:

a. Are fully vaccinated against COVID-19, except only for minor children below twelve (12) years of age traveling with their fully-vaccinated foreign parent/s.

Note: Travel insurance as an entry requirement for foreign nationals is no longer required, but highly encouraged.

b. Carry/possess any of the following acceptable proof of COVID-19 vaccination, which shall be presented prior to departing/boarding from the country of origin/port of embarkation and upon arrival in the country:

i. World Health Organization International Certificate of Vaccination and Prophylaxis;

ii. VaxCertPH;

iii. National or state manual/digital vaccination certificate of the country/foreign governments; or

iv. Other proof of vaccination permitted by the IATF.

Note: All official national certificates of vaccination will now be accepted, as the requirement of mutual recognition of vaccination certificates has been removed.

c. Present either a negative RT-PCR test taken within 48 hours or a rapid antigen negative test result taken within 24 hours prior to date and time of departure from country of origin/first port of embarkation, as provided in the existing guidelines. However, it should be noted that IATF Resolution 168 provides exemption from this pre-departure testing requirement to the following:

i. Foreign nationals aged 18 and above who have received primary series COVID-19 vaccine, and at least one (1) COVID-19 booster shot.

ii. Foreign nationals aged 12 to 17 who are "fully vaccinated" as defined in Section A.(2)(a) below.

iii. Foreign nationals aged below 12, regardless of their vaccination status, who are accompanied by their parents or guardians who are fully vaccinated and have received at least one (1) COVID-19 booster shot.

d. Have passports valid for a period of at least six (6) months at the time of their arrival to the Philippines;

e. For temporary visitors, have valid tickets for their return journey to the port of origin or next port of destination of stay under a valid-visa or visa-free entry, as the case may be. However, this shall not apply to foreign spouses and/or children of Filipino citizens and former Filipino citizens with balikbayan privilege under Republic Act No. 9174, including their foreign spouse and /or children who: (i) are not balikbayans in their own right and (ii) are traveling with them to the Philippines.

2. (a) A foreign national shall be deemed "fully-vaccinated" against COVID-19 only if he/she received the second (2nd) dose in a 2-dose series or a single dose COVID-19 vaccine more than fourteen (14) days prior to the date and time of departure from the country of origin/port of embarkation.

(b) A "booster shot" shall refer to doses administered to a vaccinated population that has completed a primary vaccination series, when, with time, vaccine effectiveness has fallen below a rate deemed sufficient in that population, as indicated in the EUA issued by the FDA.

(c) The Primary series COVID-19 and/or booster shot must be included in either the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) List or Compassionate Special Permit (CSP) issued by the Philippine Food and Drug Administration or the Emergency Use Listing of the World Health Organization.

3. The IATF Resolution further reiterates that foreign nationals who fail to fully comply with the conditions and requisites set forth shall be denied admission into the country and shall be subject to the appropriate exclusion proceedings.

4. Once admitted into the country, foreign nationals who comply with the foregoing protocols provided in the IATF Resolution are no longer required to observe facility-based quarantine but shall self-monitor for any sign of symptom for seven (7) days.

B. Foreign Children Traveling with Filipino Nationals The IATF Resolution has retained the guidelines for foreign children traveling with Filipino nationals. Foreign children below twelve (12) years of age who are not vaccinated for any reason whatsoever and traveling with their Filipino parent, shall continue to follow the entry, testing, and quarantine protocols of their Filipino parent traveling with them. On the other hand, foreign children from ages twelve (12) to seventeen (17) years of age, who are traveling with their Filipino parents, shall follow the protocol based on their own vaccination status. In case they are unvaccinated, either their foreign or Filipino parents should accompany them during their facility-based quarantine.

C. Fully-Vaccinated Filipino Nationals

1. Filipino nationals may enter the Philippines provided that they comply with the following requirements:

a. They shall carry/possess an acceptable proof of vaccination, as set out in Section A

(1)(b) of the IATF Resolution.

b. Present either a negative RT-PCR test taken within 48 hours or a or a rapid antigen negative test result taken within 24 hours prior to date and time of departure from country of origin/first port of embarkation, as provided in the existing guidelines. However, IATF Resolution 168 provides exemption from this pre-departure testing requirement to the following:

i. Filipinos aged 18 and above who have received primary series COVID-19 vaccine, and at least one (1) COVID-19 booster shot.

ii. Filipinos aged 12 to 17 who are "fully-vaccinated."

iii. Filipinos aged below 12, regardless of their vaccination status, accompanied by their parents or guardians who are fully vaccinated and have received at least one (1) COVID-19 booster shot.

D. Unvaccinated, Partially Unvaccinated, or Individuals Whose Vaccination Status Cannot be Independently Validated Filipino nationals who fall under this category shall continue to be required to present either a negative RT-PCR test taken within 48 hours or a or a rapid antigen negative test result taken within 24 hours prior to date and time of departure from country of origin/first port of embarkation. They shall likewise undergo facility-based quarantine until the release of their negative RT-PCR test taken on the 5th day from the date of arrival. After which, they shall be required to undergo home quarantine until their 14th day from date of arrival.

E. Unvaccinated Minor Filipino Nationals The IATF Resolution likewise has not changed the guidelines for unvaccinated minor Filipino nationals, as those below 12 years of age who are not vaccinated for any reason whatsoever shall still follow the quarantine protocols of their parent/s or an accompanying adult/guardian traveling with them. On the other hand, minor Filipinos from 12 to 17 years of age shall follow the classification and procedures based on their own vaccination status. If they are unvaccinated, either their foreign or Filipino parents should accompany them during their facility-based quarantine.

F. Fully-Recovered Filipino Nationals with Positive RT-PCR Pre-Departure Test Results The regulations for Fully-Recovered Filipino Nationals with Positive RT-PCR Pre-Departure Test Results remain unchanged under IATF Resolution No. 168. They may still enter the country, provided they are able to present the documentary requirements under the amended IATF Resolution No. 160-A dated 03 February 2022.

Seoul, 28 May 2022